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Neil Macmillan & Associates

Developing a Business Web Site

Why a small business should have an Internet presence
  • Supports many other forms of marketing.
  • Promotes company name and brand awareness.
  • A 24-hour office/storefront/message centre/sales centre. Frequently-asked questions can be answered at any time, saving staff time.
  • Ability to reach markets beyond the range of local promotion.
  • Making time-sensitive information available at short notice: special offers, announcements, etc.
  • An opportunity to interact with customers through e-mail or on-line forms.
  • Direct ordering of products and services.
  • Establishing contacts which lead to sales by means other than direct ordering.
Some additional reasons

How to develop an Internet site
  • Define the goals for the site.
  • Develop content and a design that supports the goals you have defined.
  • Determine the target users and design the site from the viewpoint of these target users.
  • Think like your customer and try to determine what a customer will want from your site.
  • Make the site customer-friendly.
  • Offer information in easily-read chunks. Reading on the web is not the same as reading in print. It's better to avoid long passages of text unless you clearly indicate that this is a detailed explanation of something. In that case, you warn people beforehand of what they are getting into or offer the information as a downloadable file, PDF for example.
  • Make your site easy to use. Consider some usability tests with a focus group.
Essential features of a successful Web site

Tools and Skills
  • Some people are capable of building their own sites but others prefer to use professional designers.
  • Some tools are promoted as making web sites easy with no knowledge of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). The best sites are still designed by those with a deep understanding of HTML specifications and limitations.
  • A key question: do you write and/or design your own print materials? If you don't maybe the web site should be contracted out as well.
  • The professional services of Neil Macmillan & Associates

Promoting Your Site
  • Announcement in all other promotional materials you use.
  • Issue a press release.
  • A special announcement to all existing clients. This can be the focus of a sales call, if appropriate.
  • Participate in Newsgroup and Listserv discussions. Over time you will become known as an expert.
  • Register with all the major search engines and directories.
  • Reciprocal linking with compatible organizations.

Web Demographics
  • Web users tend to be better educated and have higher incomes than the population average.
  • Users often obtain information on-line for purchases actually made off-line.
  • Most popular on-line purchases: software, travel arrangements and books and magazines.
  • Graphic, Visualization, & Usability Center's 7th WWW User Survey
A list of other surveys

Useful Web Addresses

Developing Your Site
Graphical Menupointer
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Updated: Sep 29 2015