Cascading style sheets, in-line styles and style blocks |
Web Page Styles |
by Neil Macmillan |
IntroductionStyles allow web page writers to control page formatting in a manner similar to that used in advanced word processing or page layout. Using styles, web page designers specify various attributes of headlines and body text. Font attributes which can be changed include: size, name (family), margins, style, weight, color, line spacing (line height) and paragraph alignment. ImplementationStyle information can be within the document or external to the document. Style information can come from more than one source:
These three methods can be used in the same file at the same time. The term, Cascading Style Sheets, is often used. Cascading refers to the order in which styles are applied: in-line style takes precedence over an internal style block which takes precedence over an external style sheet. Note: implementation of style declarations requires an up-to-date web browser. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Version 3.0, offers only partial implementation. Styles are ignored by Netscape Version 3.0 or earlier. Example of In-line StyleStyles are applied to HTML elements as when needed as in this example of a styled h2 tag: The above is rendered as: Styles Applied HereEach style declaration element has two parts: a property and a value, separated by a colon. In this example, the style declaration for <h2> begins with font-size (property): 20px (value). Notes: 20px means a size of 20 pixels. Multiple property/value pairs can be assigned, separated by semicolons. The entire group of property/value pairs is placed in quotes for in-line style declaration. Refer to the section below for major attributes controllable by style declarations. This is derived from the official W3C styles documentation. A Styled Paragraph The above is rendered as: This method is useful when you want to apply a style to a specific section of a file. We specify the font-family property in a hierarchy of choices. Here, Verdana is our first choice. If the computer being used to read the file does not have Verdana installed, the paragraph will be displayed in Arial, or failing that, Helvetica. Sans-serif, the final selection, indicates that any sans-serif font style is acceptable. Internal Style Definition To start using internal styles, include the following META statement
in the HEAD section of the file: Include a style block in the head section. The style declarations are placed inside this block. Style declarations within the style block should be enclosed in a standard HTML comment, <!-- -->. Example of a Style Block:
Notes: The styles above are applied to the following section of this file.
<!--STYLED SECTION BEGINS--> A Styled H3 ElementThis section is an illustration of the paragraph style defined in the style block. A declaration for any styled tag will affect all instances of the tag. <!--STYLED SECTION ENDS--> External style sheetsAn external style sheet is a separate file that contains style definitions. Any web page can use the styles once the author has set a link to the external style sheet file. A single external style sheet can therefore control presentation aspects of an entire web site or multiple web sites.
To link to an external style sheet, place the following statement in the
HEAD section of the file: The style sheet is a plain text file with a .css extension. The file contains the style declarations in a similar format to an internal style block. Neither the Style nor the Comment tags are required. An example follows: p { font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; line-height : 15px; color : #333333 } h2 { font-family : "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size : 25px; color : #993300; } Custom StylesCustom styles can be defined. Here is an example of a custom style for picture captions, a typical application: .caption { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; color: #3300CC; text-align: center } Applying the above custom style: <div class="caption">Picture caption goes here</div> This would generate: Picture caption goes here
Note. The period before the style name is required in the style declaration, but not when the style is subsequently referenced. Attributes that can be controlled by stylesThe W3C styles documentation lists approximately 50 properties that determine the presentation of an HTML document. The following section outlines the most commonly used properties. Main properties and possible values
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Neil Macmillan | ![]() |
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Updated: Apr 16 2004